Friday, December 3, 2010

Flo Rida

What does he do? Well, he does quite a lot actually. He's much like my Dad - he does odd bits and bobs as they crop up, yet nobody is quite sure what exactly he does. For example, he spent a day in Roundstone, about 50minute drive from home, to pull up plants. In the snow and ice, just in case life wasn't hard enough. I mean my dad, of course, though I'm sure Flo has a price too.
So, wise Oracle (Wikipedia)- what are his musical accomplishments? "Right Round" - with Ke$ha and bits nicked from Dead or Alive. He talked over a bit of Alexandra's (proper) debut single "Bad Boys". I don't know who was supporting who, there. I can only assume some sort of meeting was held:

Agent: "Alexandra, meet Flo Rida - Flo, this is...."
Both: "Um... Hi." *look quizcally upon each other*
Agent: "See these words, Flo? Just say em real quick when Alex here is vandalising all around her. With the vague memory of a nation backing her and your 5 fans and your mum - we'll be unstoppable."

He did some stuff with Nelly Furtado - though who hasn't at this stage. The fact she has a greatest hits is laughable. Is it 2 or 3 sucessful albums you've had? (Actually, its 4. But one of those is in Spanish, and the first one is called "Whoa, Nelly!" which due to its terrible name, makes it automatically null and void).

WAIT - I'm forgetting the classic "Be On You" with Ne-Yo. From the lyrics, I have gathered this is not an Anchorman spoof as I had hoped. Instead, at least I think, its about shagging his short mum.

Anyhoo, the most recent example of Flo's fine work is his addition to the Saturday's 'Higher'. The Saturdays do NOT need tweaking. Had the song been originally recorded and released to contain some of Mr. Rida's babbling - fine. But what bugs me is that the album version of the song has no such input, as is just super without it. Now, upon releasing it as a single, they've crowbarred in an intro and a bridge. Though hearing this well 'ard, well cool rap artiste shouting "una! Molly! Vanessa!" - fairly bog standard names - does make me laugh. (they recorded the video separately too. Another bug bear.)

I do wonder though - does he write these ditties himself? I like to think he has some originality and integrity. Even if it does mean he's tarnishing the lovely Saturdays.

He's got a new album out soon. in case you're interested.

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