Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I think I’m having a mini life crisis. The sort where you take stock of what you’ve done in life and panic, and wonder at what point did it all go tits up. Or has it gone tits up? AHHH! Why didn’t I do it this way? What the hell did I do that for? Stop that! Do this! Shit shit shit!

Currently my panic is: What happened to my hobbies? I used to do stuff. Be interested in stuff. Know stuff about stuff. 17 years old - I played bass guitar every day, went horse riding and spent a lot of time helping Michelle out with her horses; I obsessed with music and could reel off reams of pointless music trivia. I was known for my love of obscure, unheard of bands. I followed the results of international show jumping and eventing. I played computer games, like Zeus: Master of Olympus. I had written half the school magazine aged 11. I got the best Junior and Leaving Cert results in my school. I won a Credit Union Poster competition – ooh, the dizzying heights.

And now? My spare time is filled being hung-over, on a bus, scowling at tourists, and doing assignments in a mad panic. And Facebooking. Lots. At least I admit it, which is something.

I don’t like to lay the blame, but I will anyway, firmly at the gates of UCC. Maybe not their fault directly, but I think that’s when it started going arseways. I lost my nerdy attributes. Most likely because I didn’t really want to be there.
And funnily enough, the gleaming allure of becoming a Lidl manager doesn’t exactly excite me enough to while away my hours in the library. I don’t know what my plan is really. Will I do a top up degree? Will I try to get a masters? Just what the fuck am I going to do for the rest of my life? Sure, the idea of frequenting the gay bars of Dublin and playing Little Miss Socialite is all well and good, but not exactly practical. Unless the George want to fund my appearances...

So far, my “hobbies ideas” list is somewhat vague... so far I’ve got driving lessons and toying with the idea of going back to horse riding, given I’m moving out of city centre soon. So Daft.ie is a temporary hobby. I’ve trawled through the freebie culture stuff in Dublin, and enjoyed that. Maybe try and get into writing some more. But I need ideas. Any are appreciated! Or I’ll just have to delete my Facebook account in the vain hope it will free up more time*.

*Ha! As if...

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