Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Merry Clucking Christmas

It all started with that seagull floating backwards. I had to sit down I was laughing so much, and I attracted many strange look that day beside the Lee, and worried glances were exchanged between Darren and Colin wondeing if I had finally lost it. Poor little seagull, giving it socks trying to swim against the current, but the only direction he was going was backwards. Following this incident, I discovered techno chicken. Oh yes.

Then there was the card in Urban Outfitters. A pigeon. On a skateboard. This would have been quite enough of a comic delight for me, but its captioned "Time to get your best moves on". And all I can picture is a pigeon bustin' moves with Tony Hawks, whilst wearing a helmet. Yes, I know, helmets aren't cool. But this is a renegade pidgeon. He defies all laws of convention, be they pigeon or skater.

And now, WKD, an unlikely contender, have brought me the most incredible christmas advertising campaign. Sod the Coke with the trucks. Pffft. What of the Budweiser horsies with snow on their backs? Pah. The whole campaign is only vaguely christmassy but virtue of the fact its anti-turkey and very much pro-chicken, and it helps by throwing in sparkly lights, tinsel and santa hats. Anything can be made christmassy doing that.

WKD have a point. Turkeys don't feed you when you get post club munchies. Anyone who has been to Hilbilly's and slurred "breashht inna bunnnnn, pleashe" knows exactly what I'm talikng about. Often I have proclaimed the wonder of chicken at 4am. And the good people at Hillbilly's, Cork's finest eatery.

The posters were more than enough to tickle my fancy. There is 2 on the way to work, and they do brighten up my day, walking to work at 6.30am, when the ground is iced over and its still dark, and you know you should be in bed still. Then, what could be the pinnacle of my bird-humour adventure.
WOW. Laugh? Did I what?! It gets off to an awful start, then KABOOM. Its craptacular. As in it shouldn't be funny. Its not big and its not clever, and for Pete's sake, its a fecking WKD advert. They are in leagues with Nuts magazine. But it is spectacular.

"Pull my winger!"
"Squawking in the aiiiiirrrrrrr!"

If you enjoyed that video as much as I did, watch this. Black Books is genius.

So WKD. Well done. Or well done on your choice of marketing team. All the one, really. Copious amounts of drinking that crazy coloured liquid got me through those early days of drinking as a young 'un, and set me on the path of losing all sense of embarassment and shame. You need that kind of thing if your a 16 year old neeky gerd. I distance myself from you these days. Essentially, you are flogging a kiddie's drink to menly men. Trying to anyway. I think its biggest market is still the tweenage 10-14 age bracket. But kudos. I may just drink one to celebrate these ads.

It'll be the red one. Christmassy.

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