For example, I've taken to listening to Example (heh heh... ah.) I shouldn't like him. Really, I mean just LOOK at him

You can tell he doesn't drink his beer, but swigs it, and uses "Oi OIIIIIII!!!!" as a geniune form of greeting, and all his trainers are freakishly white. He sounds like he's listened to The Streets album a few too many times, but not picked up any of the wit. But tweak my nipples and call me Francis, but I can't not like his stuff. And I cringe at the thought.
3Oh3 are another gripe of mine. Two obnoxious little titfarts, clearly funded by mummy and daddy, with sod all talent. They aren't even particularly good looking and they sure as hell can't dance, as is painfully clear in their new video.
My favourite part of the video is the lanky long haired one awkwardly flailing his arms about in an attempt to dance while he ooooohhh's his way through the chorus praying for Ke$ha to take over. I have issues with this song other than the video though. Seriously, you're trying to tell me your first snog culminated with hands in pants action? Either you were a late starter and trying to catch up in one fell swoop, or someone has taken advantage of you and you should probably have reported it, or at least have some form of therapy. As for Ke$ha - please, just go home, have a good wash, put a comb through your hair. There must be some whack off her.
Trust the trannies though to do it right. Scissor Sisters new song is quality.