Sunday, March 7, 2010

R.I.P. Maxtor Desktop 3000




Minutes ticked by, still the sound echoed, showing no sign of stopping. The whirring of machines could still be heard if I listened closely. I repeated the same checks again. Still no response. This must be where they get the Casualty sound effect for the life support machines.

I tried to deny it. Left it for a few days, in vain hope it would magically repair itself. When this didn't work, I trawled internet forums for advice, to no avail.

I had to just accept it. My external hard drive had died. Never to be accessed again. Devastated, like I've lost a friend. Melodramtaic? Maybe. Still, friends have extended deep sympathy in my hour of darkness (or rather, silence).

I'm guessing there is about 1000 albums plus various singles, hours of video and tv shows, and pretty much ALL my camera photos from the last 4 years. Gutted.

So right now, my music collection consists of CDs that I bought as far as about 2005, then nothing until my last few weeks worth of downloads, so I have about a 4 year gap in my music. Grr. I really miss lovely Florence and her Machine though, so much so that not even watching BBC Three, which soundtracks everything with Florence, can fill the void. If anything, i have noted they have increased the use of La Roux on their programming.

AND, to make matter worse, I'm sans iPod. Stupidly, i left it in Cork, and won't have it back til next weekend. Woe betide me. I've grown really very attached to my iPod since I converted at Christmas. I swore off iPods many a time, vowing to never fall foul of their shiny charm. However, I was a fool. They do live up to the hype. Only problem is now I'm craving an iPhone. Kick me please. Of course, Vodafone decide now is the time to announce they are to supply the iPhone from the end of this month. Corporate gits, understanding consumer demand and need!!!